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Kanuni Sultan Süleyman |
In 1558 three Muslims from Poland-Lithuania
left their homes and set out on hajj. Their journey to the holy
cities of Mecca and Medina took them south to Istanbul where they were
approached by Grand Vizier Rüstem Pasha and asked to write an account of the history
and condition of the Muslim community in Poland-Lithuania for Sultan Süleyman
I. As one of the largest integrated, legally protected Muslim populations
living in Christian Europe during the early modern period, Poland-Lithuania’s
Muslims, called “Lipka Tatars” in later times, had a unique relationship with
the most proximate and powerful Muslim power, the Ottoman Empire. The “Risâle-i
Tatar-i Leh” (Polish Tatar Account) was composed with the help of scholars
from the Ottoman court and attempted to address the problems of a Muslim people
that chose to settle in non-Muslim lands and that were compelled by historical
legal and social obligations to fight for Christian princes, at times against
their fellow Muslims.
With the help of their Ottoman ulema redactors,
the Polish-Lithuanian Muslim authors of the Risâle developed a legitimizing
historical narrative of their own settlement that was grounded in contemporary
sensibilities of the Ottoman court. Gâza, millenarianism, and a
fascinating hybridization of Polish/Ottoman historical myths of origin were
employed in order to deny the Tatar ancestry of Poland-Lithuania’s Muslim
nobility in favor of a dual Chingissid/Seljuk heritage linking them directly to
the Ottoman dynasty and other powerful Islamic regimes. The ultimate solution
to the separation of Poland-Lithuania’s Muslims from the dar al-Islam,
and more immediately the immoral conflict between Muslims that occurred
whenever Poland-Lithuania and the Ottoman Empire were at war, was for Süleyman
to extend his shadow to the north and conquer Lehistan.
Muslims began to settle in the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania and Kingdom of Poland before the reign of Osman I (1258-1326), the
progenitor of the Ottoman dynasty, and continued to do so throughout the early
modern period. Most came during times of conflict within the Golden Horde and
its successor state, the Crimean Khanate, though Muslim prisoners of war were
also forcibly settled. Rights to land and other privileges were given in
exchange for military service, leading to the stratification of Muslim society
between noble and non-noble populations. In the late 14th century Catholic
Poland and pagan Lithuania were joined in a personal union under the newly
baptized Lithuanian monarchs.
The authors of the Risâle described
early Muslim settlement under pagan Lithuanian Grand Dukes in the 14th
century as a form of gâza, or holy war aimed at the spread of Islam.
Rather than betraying the directives of their faith for personal gain or
security, the renegade settlers coming from the Hordes were in fact expanding
the bounds of the Islamic world. For the audience of the Risâle, gâza
was a powerful ideological tool used to legitimize the sovereignty of the
Ottoman dynasty and an integral unifying factor for the orthodox Sunni military
class of the Ottoman society. Further explanation offered for the settlers’
choice to align themselves with non-Muslim rulers was the high regard of
Lithuanian and Polish leaders for the martial prowess of Muslim warriors as
well as for the Islamic faith itself. Though they may have been unbelievers,
the Risâle consistently portrays the monarchs of Poland-Lithuania as
righteous leaders that respected to manifest superiority of the Islamic faith.
Foremost amongst these historical non-Muslim
sovereigns mentioned in the Risâle was the pagan Grand Duke Vitold
(1350-1430), who is portrayed as a saint-like figure venerated by
Polish-Lithuanian Muslims. “The name of the king, who was like a pillar
supporting Islam in the lands of the infidels [gâvur], is Vitold, whose
memory is preserved up to our present age, as every year there is a day
reserved to memorialize this king. Muslims living in this country gather in
temples on this day and his name is recalled with reverence.” The details of
this unusual ritual, memorializing a pagan convert to Latin Christianity, are
unknown. Despite the alleged magnanimity of Vitold, the choice of the
Polish-Lithuanian Muslim authors’ ancestors to settle in the land of the
unbelievers caused them some remorse; “Our ancestors, always longed for those
countries where our faith and our customs have a blissful abode. They were
resigned, however, to their existence, and willingly surrendered to God’s
The authors of the Risâle invoked the
“Sarmatian” myth of origin
of the Polish-Lithuanian noble estate alongside a parallel myth linking local
Muslim nobles to both the Seljuk Turks and Genghis Khan. The Risâle
informed the Ottoman court that the Lehs (Poles) “descend from a warlike
nation in ancient times, from which they derive valor and strength. In fact,
they are valiant in war, and the greater part of their people have a brave
demeanor, full of life and movement, and when you see one on a horse you will
think that you see a resident of the blessed realms of the Prophet.” By
incorporating the Sarmatian narrative in their description of Lehistan
(Poland), the Risâle’s authors reinforced the Polish-Lithuanian
nobility’s belief in a common descent, as an estate, from Sarmatian tribes
inhabiting the Pontic Steppe in antiquity. Sarmatism manifested in a powerful
unifying ethos expressed through normative cultural practice amongst the
multi-confessional Christian nobility, regardless of individual
geographical/ethnic identities, reinforcing a sense of equality through
mythological lineage and the legitimate leadership of the nobility vis-à-vis
the peasantry and urban populations.
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Polish Riders, 16th c. |
The alleged Seljuk patrimony of Muslim nobles
of Poland-Lithuania was further elevated by emphasizing historical familial
connections to Chinggisid Khans Jochi, Batu, and Tokhtamish. Unlike the Seljuk
myth, there were Chinggisids amongst Polish-Lithuanian Muslims. Chinggisid
descent was a legitimizing narrative supporting the rule of numerous dynasties
in the Muslim world, including the Ottomans vassal Giray Khans of the Crimea.
This was well known in the 16th century, as the Girays owed their power, in
part, to Lithuanian patronage and support during the wars of succession that
began their reign, and which witnessed a wave of Muslim settlement in
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Alexander as "zu'l karneyn" |
The authors indicated that the
multi-confessional and relatively tolerant nature of Polish-Lithuanian society
would fascilitate the spread of Islam in those lands. “If there were more
frequent relations with the Sublim Porte, it may ensure that the Islamic faith
would spread in those lands... From (Lehistan) it is apparent that there
is no similar country where there might be so many ways to praise Allah. Here
there is no faith that may have any aparent advantage over the others, and
elsewhere amongst the infidels it is forbidden that Muslims settle and live.”
Regardless of the sincerity of this request, posed
as it was by unknown members of a rather famously tolerated and loyal European
Muslim minority community whose descendents still exist today, the Risâle-i
Tatar-i Leh provides an opportunity for Ottomanists to reconsider the
political and social influence that the Ottoman Empire exerted on neighboring
European societies. The Polish-Lithuanian Muslim community may have been the
largest in Christian Europe by the mid-16th century, and yet we know very
little about their relationship with the Ottoman state. Amidst inventive
settlement narratives and myths of origin, it is clear that the authors’ vision
of the Ottoman Sultan’s role in the lives of Polish-Lithuania Muslims was not
purely aspirational; it was critical to the immediate endeavor of the hajji
authors. While the Padishah may not have been the Polish-Lithuanian Muslims’
legal sovereign, he exercised ultimate control over their ability to perform a
critical obligation of their faith; “to kiss the Ka’aba and see the grave of
the Prophet.” The Risâle therefore sought to affirm the sanctity of
Süleyman’s supremacy over the entire world, and in particular his role as
protector of all Muslims, partly legitimized by his title as Khalif and
fascilitation of the hajj. It is clear that without the Sultan’s generosity,
clemency, and patronage during the hajj, the Muslim community of
Poland-Lithuania could never hope to fulfill the duties that were central to
their Islamic faith.
Select Bibliography:
Select Bibliography:
- Danecki, Janusz, “Literature of the Polish Tatars” in: Górak-Sosnowska, Katarzyna (ed.) 2001. Muslims in Poland and East Europe: widening the European discourse on Islam. [Warsaw: Zakład]
- Fleischer, Cornell. 1992 “The Lawgiver as Messiah: The Making of the Imperial Image in the Reign of Süleyman” in: Soliman le Magnifique et Son Temps, ed. G. Veinstein [Paris: La Documentation Française]
- Klein, Denise. 2012. The Crimean Khanate between East and West (15th-18th century). [Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz]
- Kopański, Ataullah Bogdan, “Muslim Communities of the European North-Eastern Frontiers: Islam in they Former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth”, in, Marcinkowski, Christoph [ed.] 2009. The Islamic World and the West: Managing Religious and Cultural Identities in the age of globalization. [Zürich: Lit.]
- Muchliński, Antoni. 1858. Zdanie Sprawy o Tatarach Litewskich przez Jednego z Tych Tataròw Złożone Sułtanow Sulejmanowi w Roku 1558. [Vilnius: Teka Wileńska]
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Michael Połczyński is a Doctoral Candidate at Georgetown University. For more on the author see:łczyński
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